Executive Coaching
Become the leader you wish you’d had.
One of the biggest competitive advantages in business today lies within the quality of your leadership.
We Build Leaders Worth Following
Just because leadership doesn’t come with an instruction book doesn’t mean it has to be hard. In our coaching partnerships, every leader we work with becomes aware of their strengths and opportunities for growth. Additionally, leaders recognize their abilities in business terms and how those behaviors affect their performance and impact their organization.
According to Forbes, “over 40% of employees in the corporate world are now looking for jobs due to anxiety, stress or workplace-flexibility-type issues. At the forefront of all of this is our ability to connect, motivate, inspire, empathize with and understand our employees by first recognizing them as people, not things that we have to tactically improve.”
Individual Benefits
These benefits are focused on teamwork, job satisfaction and personal fulfillment.
- Improvement in working relationships with direct reports. 77%
- Better working relationships with immediate supervisors. 71%
- Boost in teamwork. 67%
Source: Co-Active Training Institute, 2022
Organizational Benefits
These benefits are focused on the company’s profits, savings and productivity.
- Boost in organizational strength. 48%
- Rise in executive retention. 32%
- More in company savings. 23%
- Increase in profits. 22%
Source: Co-Active Training Institute, 2022
“Organizations integrating coaching into organizational effectiveness see improvements in retention, teamwork, relationships, and job satisfaction.”
Harvard Business Review
We customize our coaching support to meet individual leadership needs. All of our coaching packages include some level of assessment to build greater awareness, gather baseline data, measure growth, and create action plans that align with your organizational goals.

Our Services
- Executive Coaching (6- and 12-month packages)
- Leadership Assessments
- 1-Day VIP Intensives
- Half- and Full-day Strategy Sessions
- Vision Alignment Sessions
- Facilitated Leadership Retreats
Leadership Assessments
Whether strengthening your personal leadership skills and emotional intelligence, helping leaders in your organization promote vision and execution of goals, improving working relationships to drive cohesion, or understanding your organization’s leadership culture, our suite of research-validated assessments deliver insights and strategies to meet your unique needs.
We are an Authorized Partner for the Everything DiSC®, and Five Behaviors® brands by Wiley, as well as Certified Master Practitioners for the additional assessments listed below. Explore our tools to see which will best meet your needs.
The Leadership Circle® Profile 360
Unlike a typical leadership assessment, a 360 leadership assessment takes into account feedback from your peers to evaluate your leadership skills, influence, overall effectiveness, and other key competencies relating to leadership. The Leadership Circle® Profile is unique because it is the only 360 assessment that measures both Creative Competencies and Reactive Tendencies. In this way, it gives the leader far greater insight into how they are thinking and what they are doing that limits the full deployment of creative competencies.
LCP Manager Edition: The LCP Manager Edition is a 360 leadership assessment that is fine-tuned for mid-level and front-line managers, supervisors, and team leaders tasked with deployment and execution of the overarching direction of the business.
Energy Leadership™ Index
The Energy Leadership™ Index (ELI) assessment is the proprietary, research-backed assessment tool that takes something abstract, like the way a person views the world, and turns it into something tangible—a metric that you can see and feel and even reevaluate in the future. The ELI is an attitudinal assessment tool that captures how an individual currently perceives and approaches work and life. With the awareness and insights gained through the Energy Leadership Index debrief, clients have the opportunity to reshape their attitudes and worldview and “transform who they are.” By uncovering limiting thoughts and behaviors, leaders learn to become more proactive in their approach to reduce stress and drive desired outcomes.
Actionable Leadership Intelligence Instrument (ALII-Map™)
Collective Leadership Assessment™
The Collective Leadership Assessment™ (CLA) delivers a powerful litmus test of collective leadership effectiveness for teams or the organization. The CLA is a robust view of where employees view current collective leadership effectiveness compared to the desired collective effectiveness. The “gap” between current collective effectiveness and desired instantly reveals opportunities for development. Additionally, the CLA compares your team’s or organization’s effectiveness against our global database.
Everything DiSC Work of Leaders®
The Everything DiSC Work of Leaders® Profile provides detailed, context-specific feedback based on the Vision, Alignment, and Execution framework and the three drivers associated with each step. Participants will receive personalized strategies for:
- Crafting a Vision through exploration, boldness, and testing assumptions
- Building Alignment through clarity, dialog, and inspiration
- Championing Execution through momentum, structure, and feedback
Everything DiSC® Management
The Everything DiSC® Management Profile offers participants insight into their strengths and challenges as managers, and how to adapt their style to meet the needs of the people they manage—making them more effective managers.

Everything DiSC® Workplace
The Everything DiSC Workplace® Profile provides participants with valuable insights that unlock engagement and inspire effective collaboration. Participants explore the priorities that drive their behavior, learn what comes naturally and what might be challenging when interacting with others, and gain actionable strategies to strengthen their interpersonal interactions at all levels in the workplace.
Everything DiSC® Agile EQ™
The Everything DiSC® Agile EQ™ combines the personalized insights of DiSC with active emotional intelligence development so people learn to increase their emotional and social agility. They learn how and practice moving from their habitual comfort zone behaviors in various situations into an approach that is more appropriate. This empowers them to meet both the needs of the others involved as well as the needs of the situation.
Everything DiSC® Productive Conflict
The Everything DiSC Productive Conflict® Profile helps participants improve self-awareness around conflict behaviors. Participants explore the destructive and productive conflict behaviors of each DiSC style, learn how to manage their responses to conflict situations, and gain personalized communication strategies when engaging in productive conflict with colleagues.
The Five Behaviors® Personal Development
The Five Behaviors® Personal Development solution teaches individuals to become better teammates by integrating Patrick Lencioni’s model at the organizational level. Designed specifically to work for individuals, participants do not need to be part of the same team. Any participant can benefit from this program and adopt its powerful principles, shape behaviors, and create a common language that empowers people to rewrite what it means to work together.
The Five Behaviors® of a Cohesive Team
The Five Behaviors® helps leaders build truly cohesive and effective teams that deliver results. Based on Patrick Lencioni’s best-selling story on leadership, The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, this program focuses on putting The Five Behaviors model into practice. Team members better understand how they and others contribute to their team’s development, and how their part of the whole can make or break the team and its dynamic.
*Designed for in-tact teams with a 6-week minimum tenure on the team.

Creating a culture that puts people first takes both courage and effort.
And it begins with LEADERSHIP.
Like a single drop of water, you become the catalyst that starts the ripples of change—for your team, your organization, and the world beyond. When you invest in your people and teams, you affect everyone in your sphere of influence and create lasting results.
Being a leader is powerful. Leaders can make or break their organization’s success through their influence. Leadership is not a one-time action; it’s a way of being.
Leaders worth following choose to make a difference in the lives of those they lead.
What is your choice?

If you’re committed to making a difference by building a positive leadership culture and bringing innovative, actionable strategies to fruition, you’re in the right place.